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LordTheNightKnight said:
"because the Wii doesn't even have any."

Tales of Symphonia 2, Dragon Quest Swords (side story, but still sold a lot). So if you can't even get that fact right, no wonder you think people care if KH pushes graphics.


Hah, touche. I forgot Tales just came out. Solid 66 on metacritic and sold .34 mil. Swords sold .74 mil if you do count that as a JRPG. So, no good JRPGs yet.

That has nothing to do with the fact that people care if KH is in HD. A lot of people do, including myself. Wanting it to be in HD has nothing to do with my main reason it won't be on Wii, either.

Btw, you can retract your "try again" statement any time up there, since the data shows I don't need to.


Edit: thanks for that list, Benga Benga. Like I said above, though, western RPGs are doing just fine in HD, and Kingdom Hearts sells like a western RPG because of Disney. I left out Mass Effect above, too.