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vdoesntforgive said:
windbane said:


Uh, your bolded statement is not even close. I said FF has better graphics, and it's not developed on PC. The controls are better on consoles and there is less piracy (another argument for PS3 since you can't pirate PS3 games yet, as far as I know). But hey, FF7 was on PC. It's hard to argue for any game being on PC these days. See CoD, Gears of War, etc. Oh, unless you are Blizzard, of course...


Actually, yes. It is hurdy hurr hurr.

But yes, this post right hear makes alot more sense than everything you've been saying up 'til this point.


The reason I asked you why it wasn't going to be a PC game is because I was trying to get to the most important point (which you seemed to dance around): No matter how good the game would look, they'd make less money. Now you could argue putting it on the PS3/360 will get it as close to Pixar like films as possible all you want, the majority of people arguing this will tell you that "we don't really care.", "these consoles haven't proven themselves viable markets for JRPG's." (they will have by the time KH3 is announced, though), "Kingdom Hearts target demographic is elsewhere."


In the end, that's what it comes down to, not how much you believe Nomura want's to put 100,000 polygons in Kairi nose.


I bet the game doesn't even release before the first next gen console is out.


Pixar movies, I forgot about that aspect of it...I'd want them at least look as good as Ratchet.  I don't think they'd make less money.  A lot of people might have to get an HD console, though.  As for the people saying "these consoles haven't problem themselves viable markets for JRPGs" claim, that's funny because the Wii doesn't even have any.

You could be right about it not even releasing this generation.  I'd be surprised because that's a long time and they are setting it up with the DS and PSP versions.