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This string in the sheer illogic of its argument reminds me of the Presidential Election of 1964 (Please note, this is not a discussion of politics but simply human nature).

In the most one sided election in the entire history of American Politics Lyndon Johnson totally crushed Republican candidate Barry Goldwater. Johnson carried 44 states with 486 electoral votes to Goldwater’s six states with 52. The popular vote was 43,127,041 to 27,175,754.

After the election the stunned and disappointed Goldwater supporters put up a very defensive and bizarre billboard and bumper sticker campaign that said “27 million American’s Can’t Be Wrong.” Failing to account for how then the other 43 million could be.

So if I understand the OP, the argument is that 1,000,000 game console purchasers that chose the PS3 can’t be wrong.  But that the 1, 800,000 who chose the Xbox360 and the 3,600,000 who chose the Wii are.

Well, why not “de Nile” river runs deep.