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Mushroom Men did really bad in US last week with around 2000 in sales. When you look on gamerankings you see that only 6 reviews are avaible. 4 of them are almost all over 80 (IGN's one score is 79) what means it is a good game defenetly deserving more than 2000 of first week sale. 

Now how a GOOD unkown unconventional game from an unkown devloper is suppose to sell if even gamers on the web does not have access to information on it. The point it that it seems to me that most gaming sites prefer reviewing blockbuster games that more people will read than somewhere more indie or low profile games. I think thre is some people here not doing their job correctly. People complain about the lack of new ips but its not maybe companie's fault only. 

I'm  getting Mushroom Men next week but still, the fact that it completly lacks hype is very sad. What do you think??

(ps sorry for my writting mistakes English is not my first language)