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Fumanchu said:
Onyxmeth said:

There are two angles to look at this from.

1. Did Sony the company get it right with Blu-Ray? Sure, it's been a massive success and in the future may be able to take over majority market share from DVD.

2. Did Sony's gaming division get it right with Blu-Ray? Not at all. It is one of the main causes of the PS3 high price, and the high price is a big reason as to why Sony is dead last. Not to mention that it put the costs up so high that they are still getting a negative return on each PS3 sold.

Without Sony's gaming division including it with the PS3 it would have had a REAL struggle competing with the much cheaper HD-DVD.  It was a sacrifice play that ensured it's success.


You are correct. It's success was at the expense of the gaming division. My point was clearly that. Sony as a whole wins, but the gaming division suffers so it can bring in a media format.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.