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awesome graphics...and people saying msg4 should not win soundtrack are not fan of mgs4 or they never even played mgs4 to hear the least that's wat it seems like to brother and i when we even heard the opening music....gave us goosebumps...

but was great...the music put the watever mood into overdrive...sorrie dont want to spoil so i'll just generalize..when a sad moment came out the music made u more sad...if there was a scene where u had to hide somewhere from the bad had my heart pumping more and made me panic more than i really that's wat u call good soundtrack..they did a better job with soundtrack than almost all hollywood movies...

just cuz it had alot of music doesn't mean it should win...300 tracks on brawl...but those 300 tracks make u want to fight more?? u feel more for kirby or ness?....when i play ssbb...i don't even notice music was on...