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noname2200 said:
spdk1 said:
noname2200 said:
spdk1 said:
I still need to pick this one up, glad to see it getting bumped from my "dead list" in my platinum sellers stuff :D

spdk1: Friends don't let friends buy crap.

So if I ever see you with a copy of this in your hands, I will be morally obligated to rip your thumbs off to stop you from playing it.

Trust me, it will hurt less this way.



wow, its that bad?  I actually liked Red Steel, but hated Farcry....would youb guys say its worse than Farcry....


BTW when talking Wii shooter COD:WAW is amazing and I'm hooked on it currently

In all honesty, I'm exaggerating. It's not terrible, just very mediocre. Seriously, you're better off skipping it. If you need a new FPS, just go with Quantum of Solace, or wait for The Conduit. Just don't waste your valuable time with this one.



I just finished QOS a few days ago, I'm one of the few people who seem to like it, but compared to COD:WAW it is pretty bad, I wish Treyarch made it as well....LOL  QOS is still great fun when I have friends over, nothing like a little 4 player splitscreen.