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The thread title is having an inner conflict between being a question and a declarative statement.

If you wanted a fiscally conservative country, you should have been born in a nation that wasn't obsessed with war and its own capitalism. The classic American "spend now, pay later" policy was born out of the 1950s after World War II. Go to the mall, use your credit card to spend obscene amounts of money, visit Santa, and deal with the consequences later. This policy is what let America be as powerful as it is today, but it eventually caught up to us. And like any government formed on the people, the leaders of the country decided to adopt the destructive habits of its citizens. Reagan thought he had the genius idea to propel the Republicans into domination in the 80s, and it worked. Just like the people, spend insane amounts of money, pay later, and borrow from others if you don't have enough. Cut taxes to keep your followers happy, and swell your military to keep them feeling safe. It was a genius way to exploit the citizens, and even today, millions of people believe he was a great president.

I've gone down the same route as you and went on a long rant, but everything I said was so true that I scared even me.