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I would suppose I am more of a lone wolf. I invite others to look at my butchers bill. However I do agree with the sentiment that there are an awful lot of posters that shy away into the flock to bide their time. Those that love to take a spot at the kill even though they could not be bothered to run the prey down. It is like where the fuck were you five months ago.

Though it does play both ways in the current situation. For months we talked the mass market price point, and were rebuffed constantly. Suddenly two hundred dollars is gold in an expanding market, and suddenly we were right all along. Though you wouldn't think it. Why well because you cannot use an argument against the PS3s future success, as an excuse for its current situation, and actually credit the logic to those you mocked mercilessly can you. Hell no that requires a certain altruism.

Before anyone says recession, and let me remind you that you did not think it was a big deal. Have any of you actually looked at the sales figures. The market is expanding not contracting. Two hundred dollars is more affordable regardless of economic situation. Not that the recession is doing wonders for Sony, but the 360 would win these months regardless. Many fold more consumers buy consoles at two hundred dollars then they do at four hundred dollars. That is a entry level price simple as that.

Until the PS3 reaches a two hundred dollar price it will be outside of consideration for the vast majority of consumers. I would dare say the next price line of three hundred dollars has probably been picked pretty clean as well. You do not find prime cuts on a carcass over two years old.