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akuma587 said:
Yup, the UAW was the one who was telling GM to make the types of cars that people didn't want and that have caused GM's problems.

While I am all for union concessions, blaming the UAW exclusively for GM et al's problem's is beyond ludicrous.

If you think GM is bad, look at the shit Chrysler and Ford were making. GM looked positively eco-friendly by comparison. I bought a new car about six months ago and Ford & Chrysler were immediately taken out of consideration. I wanted American (made in America, at least), I wanted something with reasonable power and 25+ MPG highway, and I wanted something mid-sized. I ended up with a Pontiac G6. I couldn't be happier with the car because, as it turns out, gets 30+ on the freeway and also makes over 220 horsepower. It's just what I wanted in the $20-25k range.

GM also has the Volt coming, which is really a forward-thinking car. Their work with old technology - pushrod motors in particular - has been amazing over the years. They get better fuel economy and mileage out of those things than anyone could imagine. Meanwhile, Ford has been SUV-crazy for years and Chrysler is still relying on that bastardized piece of shit engine line they redubbed "Hemi" to recapture their glory of the 50s. They're wasteful, inefficient, underpowered per litre, and are basically turds compared to their General Motors counterparts.

I really wanted a Charger but after driving one, you couldn't give me that car. What a piece of shit. I'm still surprised that I ended up with a GM product, having spent most of my life hating the company.

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