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akuma587 said:
Alright, well I guess that settles it! Or something.

You forget that I dislike Neoconservatives more then anything is all.  They came to power basically because the democrats were too successful... and the old wing of the democratic party took over the republican party.


At first you had the good republicans everyone liked.  Fiscally conservative and Freedom for all.

Then the racists took over when the democrats became too powerful and took the minorty support from the republicans... through furthering civil rights legislation (though the republicans i believe did support before the dixiecrats joined) and by the many programs to give money to the poor. (which while having questionable results, money is money.)

The republicans compromised and allowed the Dixiecrats in thinking they would guard the south but not become the leaders.

Sadly they were overtaken... now we have racist fiscally conservative republicans.

Then the democrats went even more to the left... the anti-communist fearmongering part of the democratic party that supported big government but still hated communists (More facist like)....

left and joined the republican party which was declining in popularity again... by playing on fearmongering with the communists.  They had to change some core beliefs... but they got their seat at the table and got to keep what they wanted most.

They took over... and then we ended up with the republican party we have today.... mostly Neo-conservatives.

All in all we kinda lost our political balance as most people headed towards democratic... and the Neoconservatives are the result of that.

And anyone who believes in fisacl responsibility and freedom for all is now a "Crazy Libretarian"

I mean, heck.  the Democratic party is still a third bigger then the Republican party now... even with the Republican party having Dixiecrats, Neoconservatives AND most Conservatives who don't want to be called crazy.

It's why I wish we had a multi party system.... lot better then 2 party system.

Then we could split out the different Republican and Democratic groups and have each one have a chance to actually vote for their views.