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Dunno how many other people are going to get this game but drop your impressions here if you like.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom:Cross Generation of Heroes the much antipated Japan-only fighter for Wii is more or less what I wanted from the game.

I hadnt been following the game much but I figured it would be a fighter like MvC but I was mistaken. The game has much more in common with SNK vs Capcom series. Fighters move much slower than in MvC but faster thank SNK vs Capcom.

(Have not tried Classic controller just assuming)
The controls are really simple with just Wiimote. 1 button handles most melee and combo attacks. The game is simple and fun with just Wiimote. However if  your the type who wants to go all out you will prefer the GCN or Classic Controller. If your using only Wiimote 1+2 and any direction of the Dpad will give you to different special moves. If you have 3 bars full depending on what direction of the D-Pad you hold you can perform a stronger special attack. Simple on with the Wiimote. On GCN however its much more complicated. To the point where I never figured it out....... I just prefered the simple wiimote controls. With GCN controller most attack are mapped to different buttons and you have a larger variety of combos avaiable.

I see it as Wiimote = Easy Mode GCN/Classic = Manual. (vs. Capcom fans know what I mean)

The characters in the game are pretty varied on the Capcom side. A few characters return from previous vs.Capcom games with Morrigan/Megaman being the most changed fighters. On the Tatsunoko side 1/3 of the characters look the same but play differently overall.

Special attacks in the game are pretty unbalanced. Fighters have 3 special moves. 2 are accesible any time with 1 bar full and 1 super special when 3 bars are full. A few of the Tatsunoko fighters special attack are beyond powerful. While the Capcom fighters special (Ryu/Morrigan my team) special are rather weak. 
Heres another example: Ryu 3 bar special is only a bit stronger than his regular special. Where a certain Tatsunoko fighters 3 bar special takes away 50-60% of your health.

Visually the game is beautiful. Backgrounds looks amazing in 3D really vibrant colors are used and character cell shading looks great. The particle effects used are also something to admire  You have to  actually see the game in motion in front of you to see how impressive these visuals are.  These are Wii graphics not PS2.

There are few extra that I havent really played too much. Theres a store and some mini games. Its all in Japanese so it'll take me a while to get use to it. Options however are in English.

All in all TvC is an exceptional fighter. Having never followed the game I was just assuming it would be an advancement of the MvC series. Playing an SNKvC type game surprised me but left me impressed. Especilly since I hate the SNKvC series.
If you have been waiting for  a new vs. Capcom game this defintly lives up to the series name. A good enough reason alone to install HBC on your Wii. =)