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Kasz216 said:
halogamer1989 said:
elprincipe said:
Snesboy said:
^ I am all for American cars (Honda/Toyota and the rest of them can fall off a bridge) but c'mon, the only company that really deserves it is GM.


Do you even realize that most Hondas and Toyotas sold in the U.S. are made here?  And many/most parts of GM/Ford/Chrysler cars are made abroad?  At this point in time, buying a Toyota is just as much buying an American car as buying a Ford.

Exactly.  The Japanese make better cars and in an int'l capitalist society a corporation has to make or break.  It is the UAW's fault anyway.

The UAW simply got what the market would pay for labor.  You can't blame them for being good capitalists.

Nor can democrats blame the UAW because they got a lot of what Democrats want for EVERBODY.

Though both sides do seem to blame them still.

The only problem with the UAW is that retirees lose their voting rights despite still being effected by votes.


The simple truth is that the UAW has killed themselves.  The Senate will not vote on this until next year and the big 3 have already stated they will have failed by then.  It is really a shot in the arm to support the UAW and when they re-org guess who will be the first to strike?  Oh the irony ;)