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kirby007 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Jeebus. A whole thread dedicated to me!

Thank you!

First off, I'm on no high horse, I too am guilty of the exact thing I mention in my sig. I have never said that I am above that. That came from looking at how I was acting and decided that I needed to change for the better also. I would incorporate all of that into the sig but the simple fact is that there are rules about sig length and some tool is going around reporting me for being 1.5 lines over what it should be so meh.

Anyhoo @ sinear

Err, taking something seriously is different. I post here lots cause I have tons of free times on my hands, and discussing games are fun. Acting like I'll die if PS3 doesn't sell good or anything like that isn't. That's where the whole "it's not that serious" thing comes in, so you fail.

And I don't give a flying fuck if people think I'm arrogant because I am! I am an arrogant pricky son of a bitch, and I like it. I don't think I've ever said that I'm not arrogant, because I am, and I act like it, and I like it. So fuck you bitmap frogs and godot.

@ Soriku

Yeah, I sold my wii, on my birthday coincidentally, and then got my PS3 like two weeks later. So I had it for four months and ten days exactly. I still have ToS and my GC Memory card, since I do plan on getting it back when MH3 comes to the states, (2010-ish), and I wasn't playing it at all after about August.

And yes, I'm a damn attention whore. Who fucking said I wasn't? I love the attention! And I love this thread! My sig was made for this! I have a whole two pages of people who are commenting all on me! God, I love it. It feeds the arrogance, so if you think I'm an arrogant attention whore, then don't post, cause if you do, you're the reason!

In all honesty though, I'm trying to be less of a fanboy, and change for the better, and it's a long process, but I decided that while I try and change, maybe a few members would like to also, with me, and help me on that journey. If so, copy and paste my not copy and pasted sig (Rolstoppable), and help me in my journey.

Keep talking about me!


so your glad 40 year old naked men give you attention?

I fucking love it!