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Many of the problems people are having with Home is their lack of understanding in what it's purpose or direction is , stop rating home by traditional gaming standards it's more like Myspace or Secondlife as opposed to Gears or Resistance.

Twestern Said


For the milionth time, the public beta thing is crap.  Again, I'll explain what beta means in the gaming world:

  • content complete - Home does not have all its base content.  If it did, it wouldn't feel empty when walking around and you would actually have options in dressing up your avatar other than the stupid amounts of options in the face.  Not to mention that there are only something like six arcade machines and the whole bowling alley just feels unfinished.
  • Progression and major show stopper bugs gone - In my short time with Home I encountered two major bugs
  • Final Art - See content complete because these two have a lot in common.  Also the fact they still have the same three pixalated movies playing over and over again isn't a good sign.
  • The Game should be completely playabled - This is a harder one to apply to Home since they can regularly ship things so I guess they got 1 out of 4.

So this isn't an open beta, it's a failed game.  Somebody made the promise that it would be out by 2009 and rather than having another release date whiz by they forced the team to pay attention to this one.  What they got was the team releasing the product a week or two before holiday vacation and releasing something that just wasn't ready for public viewing.

As I said earlier, find me a positive review/impression and I'll find 10 negative ones.  Most people are going to go into Home, get pissed off at waiting in line to play games, see the lack of content, see how lifeless it is, and never come back.

I know it has beta plastered all over it but most people don't frequent forums and news blogs so all they know is Home was released.  They go into Home and are completely blindsided by the bad and dont' see the potential.

Face it, Home is a failure and isn't something that helps the PSN.  It's a cumbersome menu that only slows me down in getting to what I actually want to do: play games and watch movies."


"So this isn't an open beta, it's a failed game."

Firstly Home isn't a game in same way Gears or Halo 3 is , it's not all that much of a problem if it doesn't have the cool features , amazing graphics and 7.1 audio that's not the purpose of Home. Home is a community based game so it's strength lies in the size and quality of the comunity , in truth all the features of Home do is compliment it's most significant element , the community.

Ok fair enough you hate it , it's a buggy , lifeless piece of crap ; the most vile thing since Judas but that's all subjective . If people still populate home , communicate with each other and have fun in their masses then Home is a sucess . You don't say "oh myspace has crappy features and lags the crap out of my PC so I won't visit the site" it's the Myspace community that keeps people coming back , the features just compliment the community that exists there.

So in short it doesn't matter if Home is utter shovelware , if it has a thriving community intergrated with PSN then it has achieved it's purpose .