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Onyxmeth said:
blazinhead89 said:
Onyxmeth said:

It depends how much the price cut is. Are we talking $50? $100? $200? Each would likely have different results. Also are we talking about this in the terms that once Sony does cut the price of the PS3 that Microsoft doesn't follow suit?


IMO, the 360 could follow suit but seeing as IT is ALREADY Mass Market price, a further price cut wont have as big as an effect. PS3 Has yet to enjoy the Mass Market Price whereas 360 has.

That goes back to my original question. How big are we expecting this price cut to be? $50 isn't going to bring the PS3 into mass market price. Even $100 is arguable considering that PS3 has lost it's advantage as the cheap Blu-Ray player. So what do you feel will put the PS3 into a mass market price range?


i'd say it would have to be around the 300$ Mark