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I frankly don’t know to what extent if any, Sony sacrificed the PS3, or at least put it at risk for Blu-ray. I personally just think it was a colossal miscalculation based on a presumption that people would pay whatever they wanted to charge in order to own the next PLAYSTATION.

If they did however I think it may be a bit of a Pyrrhic victory. As has been pointed out, they head a consortium so they don’t get all of the licensing fees which are not generally huge in any case. For the next few years as the public somewhat begrudgingly accepts it, it will undoubtedly line their pockets. The long term outlook is less certain.

Those of us in fields that involve intensive image storage, for example, were very excited about its use for archiving off servers in an inexpensive and readily accessible form. I purchased a pair of BD-burners for that purpose. However storage space has become so inexpensive with 1TB disk