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dougsdad0629 said:
The important thing to remember that was said by the editor that liked it was, "Home isn't for everyone." You are never gonna please everyone. I'm personally not interested in Home, but I'm at least open-minded enough to see how other people might like ths FREE (remember in doesn't cost you anthing unless you choose) service. I've never seen so much bitching about something that didn't cost you a dime and is in no way mandatory.

I guess having 1 in 4 people like it isn't bad...oh wait...

Anyways, I think they were just really pressured to release it this year and this is what we get because of that pressure.  Something that is boring, lifeless, waste of time, buggy and something that people just aren't going to return to.

I know people keep screaming that it's free and it's still beta, but PA put it best saying that "it's no virtue giving away something for free that no-one in their right mind would buy."  To make the lack of life and that barren feeling even more insulting, we're expected to pay to make it seem not so barren.  Again, no-one in their right mind would buy generally translates to no-one in their right mind should spend money on that no-one in their right mind would buy thing.

As for the beta excuse, that's just a shield and a weak one at that.  As I said, Home was forced to be released long before it was ready so they just say it's a beta and will always be in a beta kind of like Google.

That's just bullshit.

I don't know about Google, but generally to be in beta a game has to meet these cryteria or something close to it:

  • No placeholder art and all art present
  • All gameplay features present
  • No showstopper bugs
  • The only changes that are allowed are minor bug fixes

So how many of these does Home fit?

  • It has placeholder pixalated videos and it's pretty clear everything isn't there (and I know it's a platform that should continually have updates but it should also start with enough options to give you a complete feeling.  It doesn't have that).
  • I seriously hope that isn't all the gameplay they have.  Six flash arcade machines and a handful of dances isn't fun.
  • I had two showstopper or A bugs: 1) I got stuck on another player and had to warp zones, and 2) I couldn't enter a zone.  Yes, I continued but they kept me from progressing further in the game unless I did some sort of hacky fix. 
  • I can only hope they do more changes.  More changes means they aren't in beta.

So stop using the it's free and and it's in beta defense.  Home is released and it's free because no-one in their right mind would buy it.

It perhaps had the potential to be cool, but since it was released way too early it lost anything it had going for it.  Right now it's just another dot on a long list of failures from this gen.