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There's a point I made in another thread that I felt should be available to discuss separately.

There are those who say that Sony "can't" drop the price of the PS3 due to costs associated with making it.  That's not true at all.  The added sales from a price drop would cause more software sales and therefore more royalities thereby offsetting the price cut.  You have to look at the broader picture, not just the gaming market.  Sony needs to be careful about pricing the PS3 so as not to screw over their hardware partners in the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA).  The standalone players need to generally be cheaper than the PS3 since the PS3 has multiple functions.  If the PS3 is lowered to $299 before Christmas, it robs the partners of standalone sales because why buy a standalone when the PS3 is the same price and does more?  After Christmas when the partners have made their holiday $ and they are getting closer to lowering their player prices again, then Sony can further reduce the PS3.  There are important partnerships in place here.  It puzzles me as to why people don't seem to realize that the majority of the decisions that Sony has made about the PS3 have been based on furthering Blu-ray rather than the gaming market.  Whether you agree or disagree with their approach, it is the route they've chosen to take.  There's much more money to be made on Blu-ray than gaming.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.