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forevercloud3000 said:Now lets got to the Top 5 selling franchises of all time!
  1. Mario
  2. Pokemon
  3. The Sims
  4. Final Fantasy
  5. Need For Speed

3/5 are exclusive franchises to a console or another (except 1/2 of the FF games but they do nto factor into statistics)FIXED

What does this Prove? That making a game Multiplat does not equal better sales. Now What Have we learned?


Only 2 of those games are console exclusive. FF made 6 mainline games for Nintendo, then 6 for Sony. So they ultimately have favored no one. 13 is the first mutliplat release at it's launch. And the console who originally built FF into a successful franchise is left out. 

We have learned from you:

*Top 2 franchises of all time are exclusive to Nintendo consoles, and are first party (hence they stay exclusive).

*Sony & M$ have zero first party games in the top five franchises (hence NO exclusives).

*3/5 of the most successful franchises have not been married to one brand of console and have done just fine.

Thank you for bringing these things to light....   

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709