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Grampy said:
Motion plus is the first time I would stand in line in the rain waiting for a store to open. I think M+ is going to change gaming completely and forever.


Completely agree. This is the only game that is a 100% purchase for me in 2009.


As for the price, I'm thinking it's going to be 30 dollars. 40 max. You have to remember that this technology was too expensive to sell just 2 years ago. I suppose Nintendo could aggressively price it at 20 but I doubt it.

My theory is that since Wii Play was a $10 dollar game, Wii Sports Resort will be, too. And then you add in the cost of MotionPlus, which is probably around $20, sold seperately.


And the stubborn kids need to shut up about how this should have been part of the remote since the beginning. I was quite happy with the $250 price tag, and it was one of the reasons I actually bought a Wii. I bet all the people who say they won't buy it unless it's free-$10 will cave in eventually if MotionPlus lives up to its promise.

# of games above 75 on Metacritic (including downloadable):

360: 241     DS: 144

PS3: 152     PSP: 126

Wii: 85