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akuma587 said:
Kasz216 said:

Doesn't being against something mean your for something?

I mean they started off against slavery... which means they were for abolition.

Although in a way one could also blame Neo conservatives on the democrats in that Neoconservatives used to be democrats... and fairly liberal ones at that.

Neoconservatives are basically fiscal democrats and social republicans who realized that nobody likes tax increases... so they just ignore doing it and raise up the deficit.

Wikipedia covers it fairly well.

Its generally a pointless discussion to try and compare the Republicans to Democrats at any time before FDR or the whole Civil Rights debacle in the 60's and 70's since the parties themselves are completely different from what they were before those times.

Neocons are only liberal in the sense that they like to spend money, not in any other way.  They usually still like to rail against the inefficiency of government on the campaign trail, so they still try to pawn themselves off as anti-big-government even if that isn't true.

I just don't see how you can so easily exculpate the Republicans by saying that "the Democrats did it first."  What Neocons are copying isn't what Democrats were doing, since Democrats were willing to raise taxes.  Neocons have essentially just taken the "spend" without the "tax" out of "tax and spend liberal."  Consequently, I don't think it is a fair comparison since what Neocons are doing is worse than what the Democrats were doing fiscally.

Yeah.... this happened in the 1980s.

So no worries there.  That's when the switch happened.  During the Carter administartion.

Tax cuts and tax raises are not good or bad individually. 

Wasteful spending is always bad.