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tuoyo said:
I understand you love Sony but that is no reason to ignore reality. Sony themselves have said they are slashing tons of jobs. They have announced massively reduce profit forecasts. The financial reports for the gaming division since PS3 came out have been showing massive losses (despite profits from PSP and PS2 but these are now seeing lower sales).

You can do all the calculations you want but those are revenue. Has nothing to do with profits. Anyone (apart from Sony fanboys) can see Sony is facing difficult times. Sony themselves know it. I don't think PS3 is going anywhere as suggested by a few in the media but to pretend things are rosy for Sony well that aint reality
  • You're talking to someone who's known as one of the sites biggest 360 fanboys.
  • The job losses in SCE have been minor so far and the profit forcasts are for Sony as a whole rather than SCE
  • The Xbox 360 was showing losses too, such are the difficulties of starting a new generation.
  • Revenue has everything to do with profits. You can't have profits without revenue.
  • I never said that the PS3 didn't have problems, I was saying that they have been vastly exagerated that is all.

@marciosmg: Thanks!


