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akuma587 said:
Final-Fan said:
But ... that makes no sense, Kasz. That's like a murderer blaming it on the victim, who pissed him off.

You forget that one of the key GOP strategies is to always make it look like it's the other party's fault, even when you were the one who actually did it.

Not saying that the Democrats don't do this too, but the GOP has always been a party who is better at being against something than for something.


Doesn't being against something mean your for something?

I mean they started off against slavery... which means they were for abolition.

Although in a way one could also blame Neo conservatives on the democrats in that Neoconservatives used to be democrats... and fairly liberal ones at that.

Neoconservatives are basically fiscal democrats and social republicans who realized that nobody likes tax increases... so they just ignore doing it and raise up the deficit.

Wikipedia covers it fairly well.