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Final-Fan said:
Kasz216 said:
Final-Fan said:
But ... that makes no sense, Kasz. That's like a murderer blaming it on the victim, who pissed him off.

Nah it's more like blaming the people who internet deck in a collectable card game for everyone having to do so now.

The people went with what's going to get them money.

It's why we need a balanced budget ammendment.

The situations are not equivalent.  The internet deck thing is a bad activity (I presume) that others must emulate to remain competitive, whereas what we are talking about is people who spend wastefully versus people who spend wastefully AND create huge deficits in doing so.  It's another level of bad government beyond what was being done by the first group, that the first group cannot reasonably be held responsible for. 

Besides which, I've shown that the Democrats actually returned to a fiscally conservative stance, that the Republicans did not emulate when they had a similar majority.


Wasteful spending is a bad activity that other polticians must emulate to stay elected or risk getting replaced by Neocons.

Why else do you suspect the Neocons got into office?

Cutting a bunch of republican programs i wouldn't call so "Fiscally conservative".

It's not like the democrats cut anything that they wanted to fund.

Just how the former republican congress cut demcoratic programs.  Though the current president also started a few wars... two real and one imaginary.  That tends to rake in the national debt.  Add in pointless government additions like the department of homeland security...

Both sides are just fighting for their "share" of the loot at this point, striking where they can at the others money.