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we don't really need anything more detailed than current gen graphics. look at gears 2 or mgs4 on the best hd tv. what slight amount of graphical upgrade could make it any better to a noticeable degree? nothing. the graphics are close enough to real life to the point where no higher amount of detail is needed. notice i said detail, because more powerful systems next gen and beyond should not focus on adding another 100,000 polygons to this character or tank or whatever cuz that'll be a whole lot of work for something that the human eye will barely be able to notice. the textures can get a little better but again it'll barely be noticeable so improved detail of graphics should pretty much stop at the best looking games of this generation.

now that we've decided not to use all that future gen power for meaningless graphical upgrades, where can we use it? in areas that matter:

1. use it to have lots of enemies, characters, special effects, etc on screen at once. if its an action game have hundreds of enemies on screen at once all detailed as well as the best characters of this generation. this won't be needed at all times or in all games but it's better to be able to do this than make a smaller amount of things onscreen be barely noticeably better looking than they are this gen.

2. use it to keep the framerates from ever dropping below 60fps so there is never a moment of slowdown in any game ever in the future.

3. pump all that power into physics programs and AI so the game plays as real as it possibly can. AI is one area where i think huge advancements can be made once the focus is shifted from simply pushing as many polygons as possible to making the characters in the games seem as real as possible too instead of just looking real.

4. and finally improve the environment. bring it to life! bark doesn't need slightly better textures, that won't make the game any more immersive or stunning than it already is, but if birds are nesting on a branch chirping as the branch is slowly moving in the breeze and a couple leaves fall from it and a squirrel squats nearby eating an acorn while a frog jumps in a nearby stream making a splash and sending a rabbit running that is probably gonna make you feel like you are in a full living environment. much better than a few more unneeded polygons or textures.

so in closing, yes, i will still be satisfied with current HD graphics after next gen comes around because the only worthwhile additions to the visual side of video games i see at this point has nothing to do with the graphics getting any more detailed but instead has to do with bringing the games to life in the four ways mentioned above.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy