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RayRay102 said:

For the past 3 years, the xbox 360 always have a exclusive killer app to couter the PS3 with. Gears in 06, Halo 3 in 07, and Gears 2 in 08.

Next year we know a Halo 4 or a Gears of War won't happen. Yes I know about Halo Reacon or whatever it is call now, but that game is just an expansion pack and not the standalone blockbuster like Gears and Halo.

I know Micosoft will indeed announce something big within the next few months to counter the protential strong lineup of the PS3 (with God of War 3 and/or GT5).

Who would like to take a wild guess as to what it will be? Is it a new IP, a big third party franchise that Microsoft paid for? or will it really just be Halo Recon. I know the 360 will get all the major third paryy games, exclusive DLCs, but it really need a heavy hitter.


 I'd be inclined to say Mass Effect 2. Mass effect had some hype, but was a new IP - lots of people, including myself didn't know much about it, and ended up blown away by the eventual product. Reviews were great, and so was word of mouth. (A friend convinced me I HAD to buy it, and I've convinced at least 2 more) Because of it's lack of Multiplayer however, unlike a game like Halo 3, where everyone plays it together, a lot of people went through it multiple times, and then loaned it to friend to do the same. However I anticipate the sequel coming with a decent fanbase, and less people willing to wait for their friends to make 3 playthroughs before trying it. First one had 2 million or so sales WW, I'd anticipate some decent growth for the next one. (Especially with the 360's install base looking to have grown by well over 10m since ME's release - and if it released on 360 again ahead of the PC, expect some of those hooked on the PC version to be unwilling to wait and pick it up on the 360.