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I think this was pretty much a given and yet people still feel obligated to act ::OMG:: surprised.

It will be pretty interesting to see what Home degenerates into without appropriate measures being made by Home admins in the future.

But... this is the Beta.

I already see that the service needs different regions/instances based upon the interests of the user.

Kind of like the gamer areas of XBL. Casual, family, hardcore, friendly, competitive, social, 18+, 18 under, etc. etc.

Dividing sections based upon ESRB ratings/registration ages would probably be a good idea.

It's interesting anyway. The next few months (weeks even) will partly boil down to the amount of content being added to the service. Right now it's pretty thin, but then so was PSN when it debuted for all those who were early PS3 adopters.