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For any of you who have daughters or young kids, you might want to keep them off Home till Sony starts cracking down


Sony launched its long awaited (and delayed) Home 3D virtual world for the Playstation 3 this week and the service has already been plagued with issues.

The first day in there was widespread reports of people unable to log in to the service; according to Sony it was due to overwhelming popularity, although take the spin out and you’d have to say complete and utter inability to cater for an audience was the problem.

Three days later and Sony Home is going down the same path of just about every major 3D virtual space before it: sex. Second Life has always been famous for its sex, and Google’s Lively in its last days became only about the sex as those looking for their online virtual hit were the only people still using it. Now Sony Home has followed the path.

Like many other services, men have flocked to Home in greater numbers than women, and many are already using the service to trash talk, as the video below shows.


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