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JRPGs are not MMOs, they are meant to be solo experiances. This concept of friends joining you and playing with you in a JRPG is disgusting. It barly worked in The tales games. In those game one person moves the game along while the other assumes the role of an NPC in battle.


I've presented my case and i do not much care to argue it with you guys. I'm sure WKC will have a wonderful single player campaign...too bad that they are wasting energy and resources on an asinine gimmick such as social networking.


ouch......Is someone scared to be social?

DeotoxSlayer said:

 There's no Microphone support if that's a plus for you.

Now that's just bad.


Anyways....I hope this game turns out to be good. Been ages since I've played a good long-lasting RPG on a console. If done right, the networking thing could be awesome. I also still haven't played a single JRPG so maybe this will be a first....

PSN: Parasitic_Link