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The Gamecube made a profit.

That out of the way. This guy oddly sounds like a crazed Sony fanboy having a meltdown.

Like Leo-J does every once an a while.

What a meltdown article.

He goes in about how Sony is sabotraging blu-ray too.

"Without such a shift, the format might perish. Market penetration remains low, and every month people don't buy a Blu-ray player is a month they get closer to downloadable HD movies and the death of the format as a whole. Sony would be wise to step it up and do a better job at getting Blu-ray players into people's homes."

Blu-ray isn't going to just die or anything... unless it gets replaced by flash drives or something... but that's a ways down the road still.

Just another fanboy who can't stand it that everyon doesn't like what he likes.

Which is funny because if everyone did he'd no doubt spend the rest of the day complaining that everbody else likes it wrong and only his way of liking it and reasons for liking it are right.