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Firstly, this isn't the only thread commenting on all the other threads. We appreciate you saying it needs to stop, but people have been saying this before you.

To answer your question, it's because mainstream media after mainstream media are continuously bashing PS3 and Sony. A couple of weeks ago, due to sales, it was usually Sony fanboys making "PS3 is DO000mED threads." Now, due to media, it's more frequent.

Also, you said why don't people just help them when their down instead of bashing; I share your sympathy but TRUST me, if it was the other way around it'll be alot worse. It was bad enough when PS3 would barely outsell 360 one week, imagine a 2:1 or almost 3:1 ratio (which is what M$ is doing now to them)? ....I don't want to be here if that happens.

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