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Umm, okay, here goes nothing? =D
Basically, the games. Sure, when I got mine, there weren't as many games as I would have liked, but now with the likes of R&C, Resistance, Motorstorm (yeah, that's right, I love Motorstorm ^_^), Heavenly Sword (same for this game =D), Warhawk, WipEout HD, etc, etc, I can't find enough time to play them all! To be honest, Insomniac was one of the deciding factors for me, but I definitely don't regret my choice at all. Plus, there's a ton of cool new games coming next year, including some lesser mentioned ones on here like Savage Moon.
I do have to add that I like the community as well, because from my experiences online, I have met very few jerks, and made tons of new friends that I play online with regularly.
So, yeah, I loves my PS3. =)