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Well with only like 2 weeks or so left until 2008 hears the game over music time for 2009 predictions.

From what i can read it would seem general census might be the PS3 will close the gap on the 360 in 2009. It has some hyped up games for it coming such as KillZone2, White Knight, maybe God of War 3 and GT5. Some nice titles if they actually come out next year and live up the bar people have come to expect!

I think the start to 2009 will be very different to the start of 2008. In 2008 we saw the PS3 gain some momentum coming into the year. But now i think it's on the other foot. The 360 is in the sweet price spot and sales are not going to just dry up anytime soon. The 360 could continue to sell it's current high amount each week even if the PS3 does get a price cut. I just can't see a $50 price cut or even a $100 price cut making much difference in the long run. It will get the nice boost but the numbers will then fade away. I would expect the 360 to increase the gap over the last few weeks of this year and continue outselling the PS3 comfortably at least until march. Then the price cut will come and get a good few months for the PS3 to claw back some of the early 09 gains by the 360. But then again around July time just as this year i would expect sales of both consoles to be down a lot by the time we get to november with both running neck and neck. Then when the holiday season comes once again the 360 will probably see bigger sales once again due to being cheaper.

So my prediction for the gap between the 360 and the PS3 by the end of 2009 = 360 still with over a 7m gap but most likely nearer to 10m then 7m.

The momentum is with the 360 and it will hit the new year running hard. I just can't see the smallish price cut for the PS3 not only halting the momentum of the 360 but rising above it. The 360 is just too cheap now. The PS3 needs something big now to give it the push it will need. KZ2 and WKC will not be it.