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hold up a second and stop.there is lots of things yous aint taking into consideration.ps3 sales will die down in 2009 because of the worlds economy and when the worlds economy balances out again ps3 sales will go strong again weather it be 2010 or 2011 and by then the ps3 will have dropped in price again.the only reason microsoft has doubled there sales is because of the price drop and the economic status at the minute.if the economy wasnt the way it is and microsoft still dropped there price they wouldnt have the numbers they have now.

                                                                           the release of gow3,uncharted 2,ff13 and verses,killzone 2,mag and dc universe online,heavy rain and the few other suprises they have coming will keep people wanting this consol reguardless.ps3 wont die but if it did microsoft wouldnt win.instead theyll be blamed for destroying the consol gaming generation cas i for one will be finished with gaming and i know thousands others feel that same way 2