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Ok, I know this is mostly local, but I have a feeling this is the same accross at least most of the US.

I went to Wal-Mart today, and what did I see?  A mess of frantic Christmas shoppers.  I make my way to the electronics section, and what did I find?  First, I checked the PS3 section, and there were 5 PS3's completely filling the bottom bay.  I continued on, and all PS2's were sold.  I went further, and every single Xbox 360 was sold save for one Elite ($400, understandable).  Then ofcourse there were absolutely no Wii's, but plenty of DS's.

Now, if this is the case for most areas world wide, what does this say for the PS3?  This is the highest selling weeks of the year, and yet it is more in stock now than any other console by a large degree.  Will sales of the PS3 these coming 2 weeks show a YOY decline from last year?  Last year, the PS3, 360, and Wii in these few weeks were selling:

December 15th-29th

Console Wii PS3 X360

Do you think it will be able to match that this year, or be much lower?  From the looks of things, I'm gonna guess an amazing 3.5-4.5 million Wii's, 2-3 million 360s, and only 1.2 Million PS3's, a YOY decline of nearly 300k.