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DMeisterJ said:

I'm not defending home to death, or saying people can't have opinions, you're allowed to do both, obviously. I just can't get it through my skull how people can complain about free stuff, that they don't have to ever use. I just find that quite odd. Maybe that's me trying to defend Sony, or not, but that's just how I feel, and try as I might to accept that complaining about free stuff is cool, I just don't think it is.

That's just what I wanted to say.


But aren't you complaining about free editorial content both on this site and IGN. If you do not like the content you are not forced to read it and you do not pay for it. If you feel you are allowed to complain that their editorial articles are not of high quality then you are validating their right to write those very articles. So which way is it?

I do not have a PS3 so I cannot comment on Home. I can say that weather the opinions of the authors is the norm or not they do provide some concrete information about what the home experience is like, though not enough for people to make their own objective judgments with.

The thing that continues to confuse me about home is what needs for the community is it trying to fill. Is it supposed to be a synchronous social experience that can stand on it's own? Is it supposed to be a better PSN that also has social elements? Is it supposed to be like facebook/bebo where you can have asynchronous social experiences? Is it supposed to be entertaining beyond the social experiences? All of the above? I think this is the biggest failure of Home, a lack a clear well communicated purpose. Without a real idea of what it is supposed to be it will not be a factor in my decision to buy a PS3 or not.

So in terms of impact on sales I think home will be a dissapointment until the value is clearly defined and marketed.