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I did a bit of checking. From launch to the end of March, 2007, the Wii had sold about 5.7 million units.

From March 2007 through March 2008, it had sold 17.65 units. This is mainly because it took them time to ramp it up to 1.8m.

From March 2008 to present, it has sold 18m units. In order to finish 2008 at a rate of 28.8m/yr (starting in March, 21.6 through December), it has to sell three million more before the end of 2008. Since it's been selling at a rate of 1.3m/week presently, and three and a half weeks remain to be reported this year, it will accomplish that sales rate and then some.

So, 71m is definitely assured. And with production increases, the sky is the limit.
