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I like my PS3 a bunch... but I never much cared the idea of Home. Why would I want to struggle through a virtual MMO interface, hindered by everything from network lag (unavoidable) to loading times (somewhat avoidable), when I can just use the XMB?Clean, simple, fast == gaming right now.  I guess I use my PS3 for gaming, and not for networking, and that's my issue with it.

I don't understand social software like Home, at all.  Coincidentally, I think Second Life is a pretty lame idea too.  Apparently there are a lot of folks who disagree -- heck they even pay for it.  There's the kicker, I suppose... I don't understand some Wii software either.  Who the heck would enjoy Carnival Games?  Home may have a place, but I think its pretty obvious that the typical PS3 owner won't be interested.

Such a concept might actually work on the Wii, on the other hand.