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Ultima X would be cool, but I'm hoping for EA to do something along the lines of mmo with Ultima, granted Ultima X was supposed to be the last one...

If EA gets smart and make the Diablo of Wii. A la using the Ultima IP and designing it similarly to D2 then they will be made of pure win.

Granted Diablo is designed for PC play and that standard controlers haven't been able to keep the game alive on the console front... maybe if approached from an online perspective and keeping in mind that Wii mote uses one hand only could lead to a great game.

As for Konami, they honestly have no offerings that could make me go "wow" but hats imo, I mean this from the perspective of high ammounts of copies sold. As for IP's that I would enjoy seeing, I'm looking forward to ZOE3, although I'm suprised how many people know of this game online.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D