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I would agree with the last guy. Take it as it is, a free social interaction software and not some kind of full game.

When Sony started going on about Home, I wasn't interested with how they were marketing it and I think that's shared with most everybody here. They're trying to make it more like a virtual life, which I don't think is a good idea for the target audience being EVERYBODY that owns a PS3.

What I was interested in, however, was certain aspects of Home such as playing mini-games (bowling, pool, little arcade games like the one with the trains, ect) and getting together with people (friends list or not) to chat or to party up and jump into games. Maybe I don't turn on my hate machine as fast as other people, but I saw a sort of promise in Home in this way since I'm not interested in actually buying things in Home (like clothes, furniture, ect).

However, I think the fact that it's taken WAY too long for Home to come out is what's really killing it at the moment. Not only that, it's available to the masses without a whole lot of content (beta or no beta). As much as I like a number of exclusives to PS3 such as MGS4, LPB, Resistance, Uncharted, and others, Sony has been cutting off it's own ass and handing it to itself in so many ways this generation that it's getting pretty ridiculous.

I was invited to the beta around two weeks ago, but I haven't loaded Home in over a week due because I have to work on preparing for final exams and projects, so I have yet to see what changes there have been now that it's available for everybody. Still, what I think Sony needs to do to try and turn around some of the negativity surrounding Home is to give people a reason to run it.

At the very least, I think people would want to easily be able to party up with people and jump into multiplayer PS3 games and to not have to wait for open spots for intractable activities. Another thing I think people would like is having that trophy room Sony originally showed in the first Home trailer. To be able to display awesome screenshots and such would be great for those who would want to show accomplishments off and that could be a way to make the trophy system more unique and not just their answer for achievements.