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Naum said:
numonex said:
I hate LO such an annoying game. The ring system is so flawed. The attack system is luck, not skill. I played the game for 6 hours and got nowhere in the game. I got stuck on Disc 1 and gave up. The game is too complicated for me and by the way, Lost Odyssey is the only and last JRPG I will ever play in my life.
I will stick to WRPG games which are easier to play and at least complete.


Strange I feel the opposite, WRPG's are way to easy to beat.


They can appear to be arcane and esoteric if you aren't used to them. Let me tell you one thing: I played FF7 the year it was released at a friend's and hated it. Never touched any jrpg until years later when I bought FFXII for my ps2. It took some effort until I figured out how things fell in place and I'm not a noob gamer...

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).