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Xen said:
selnor said:
Xen said:
selnor said:
piggychan said:

probably be 360 to join the rest of the Square Enix roster...



unless of course it turns out to be a very bad port then I'll probably get a PS3 or skip the game altogether




 It's amazing that last gen this would have been all blue boxes. Amazing how now Square do more for Xbox.

By any chance do you have Tales of Veperia, Blue Daragon and Lost Odyssey. You should take photo of all together that would look so cool.

No it isn't...


Yes it is amazing to me. By the time PS3 gets FF13 and FF13 vs. 360 will already have FF11 plus expansions, TLR, IU, Star Ocean 4 and FF13 as well. Plus rumours that there is another Square Enix exclusive for 360 in the pipeline. Considering last gen it was my PS2. The sole reason I'm getting FF13 on 360 regardless of any slight differences is to have as many Square Enix stuff together on 1 console.


Considering SE makes games of far lower quality than before... I don't really care about them. FF 13 is not that high on my list...

By that time TLR will also be on PS3, btw.

Me needs L-5 and Atlus support now.


Alot of people I will admit are blinded by the FF name. Including reviewers. I have played now a fair bit of TLR and IU recently and you know whats funny. The only FF game that I thought was better than TLR and IU was FF2, 6 and 7.

FF8 - 12 are all about the same quality as TLR and IU. Reviewers seem to see FF and immediately think right we have to do either 9 or 10.

It's sad really. I'm just glad Hironobu Sakaguchi is still around. Because the 3 best FF's were all directed and Produced by him. FF2, 6 and 7.