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NiKKoM said:
It's actually threads like these that make it worse.. cause haters are gonna say: "but this year you had LBP, MGS4 and RESISTANCE 2...." JUST DON'T CLICK ON THOSE THREADS AND ENJOY THE GAMES ON ANY FREAKING SYSTEM THAT YOU HAVE!!

Yeah we did have those games. They were and are awesome ! absolutely. But didn't the ps3 outsell the xbox 360 for the first 9months of this year despite the much larger price ? did everyone forget that ? The playstation has had a good year. Sure there are a few bumps along the way, a big one near the end. But i think the playstation has done pretty damn well. In particular concidering all the circomstances.



Yeah, but the japanese government can adjust the valuta to prevent inflation. Naturally they wont do this unless they deem it nessesary.. but could very well happen if this continues. Because all of japans economy suffers in this since a lot of their big companys are built around the same way that sony is.



Yeah, i'm well aware of that. But i think this gen has showed us that things aren't quite what they used to be. In all fairness i think a lot of people will get 2 or 3 consoles this gen. Now naturally for every console sold that is not a ps3, sony has a chance of loosing 1 customer for their product, but even so.. i don't think it's time to throw in the towel yet. And judging by the current way the forum is reacting, you would think it was.


@Max King of the Wild

Sure you can do that, but if thers anyone there they'd probably wonder why you are clapping at a computer screen. Not to mention it'll have no effect and noone besides you and any person near you will know you did it XD



It does seem like a lot of people are thinking, Sony is down, time to start kicking!

Check out my game about moles ^