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It has a higher attach rate simply because it was released a full year prior to the Wii or PS3. With superior graphics to the previous gen. People rushed out and bought the 360.

What type of people bought the 360 and couldn't wait for the PS3/Wii? The hardcore gamers. A crowd that used to reside primarily as a PS2 crowd. This early adoption group alone, props up quite a bit of the attach rates.

Then when you factor that many big time games that "Hardcore" gamers love to play went multi-platform (GTAIV, DMC, etc) these Hardcore gamers never had a need to switch to a different console to obtain these games.

The 360 grabbed a crucial market by releasing their system first and providing a solid service from day one. The PS3 lost a lot of that market by releasing their system a year later, with a higher price and what appeared to be an incomplete service and losing many high profile titles.

One additional driving force, The cult like phenomenon for games such as Gears of War, Halo.

And lastly, Microsoft knows Americans well. They know what they want and what they like. Sony not so much. Microsoft knows that if they plop out a few fun, engaging shooters with solid graphics and a cheap console half the work is done.