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“What was the last video game you replayed because it was fun?” I know this question sounds a little vague but there is only so much I can say within the message subject so please allow me to elaborate on the meaning behind this question…


Note: Those of you who don't like my lengthy threads are welcome to scroll to the bottom of my post where you will find a few questions you may wish to address... Of course, you run the risk of misinterpreting the questions if you skip everything...


Back in the good old days (before online functionality and trophy support and Live and among other things) it wasn’t uncommon for gamers to play video games more than once because they were genuinely fun and enjoyable experiences. These gamers replayed video games not because all of their friends were online looking to test their skills or because they were working to acquire trophies and XBL points. These gamers replayed video games because they were captivated by the storylines presented to them and because the gameplay in these video games added a ton of replay value to the single-player campaign! I don’t suspect that a lot of newer video gamers (from the 7th generation of video games) understand that a video game can have excellent replay value without the aid of online support(or achievements among other things).


With that being said, “What was the last video game you replayed because you found it to be a genuinely fun and enjoyable experience?” If Dead Space was a very enjoyable video game to you and you happened to play through it a 2nd or 3rd time because you wanted to try your hand at a higher difficulty setting then that is great… I just hope you didn’t play through this video game a 2nd or 3rd time merely to acquire all of the trophies! While you can argue that a “fun” video game has online functionality and trophy support I have long held the view that online multiplayer modes are breeding grounds for relentless competition (I suppose that could be a lot of fun) and that trophies only give the illusion of attainable gratification (look at that impressive collection). If you enjoy beating the crap out of online competition and bragging about trophies that have been awarded for trivial tasks I hope you realize that there are more to video games than online multiplayer and trophy support. I’ll admit that some trophies can be difficult to acquire but if you are not enjoying the video game why go through the trouble to acquire such trophies?


In any case, if you replayed a genuinely fun and enjoyable video game (preferably one with a decent single-player campaign) I want to hear about it! Feel free to go into as much detail as you want…


The last video game I replayed because I found it to be a genuinely fun and enjoyable experience was Resident Evil 4 (PS2). I’m working through the professional difficulty setting at the moment… I took a break so that I could acquire a 5 star rank with each of the playable characters in the Mercenaries mini-game. In my opinion, RE4 has excellent replay value and it doesn’t need an online component or trophy support in order to encourage me to play through it more than once. There are rewards for playing through this video game more than once but even after having done that I still find myself returning to this video game time and time again. How many video games from the 7th generation (of video games) have you replayed that haven’t offered you an online component or a bunch of trophies for your troubles?


Main topics discussed in this thread…


What was the last video game you replayed because you found it to be a genuinely fun and enjoyable experience?

In your opinion, what is a fun and enjoyable experience?

What are your thoughts?