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shams said:
It will sell at insane levels. It probably will be the new WiiPlay - except WiiPlay will keep selling as well. They should bundle BOTH games together (with both controllers!).

Ironically - I wonder if limited manufacturing for M+ will limit the supplies of Resort? WiiFit is limited to around 200k/week (and has sold its full 10m this year) - Resort should be able to manufacture at *least* 2-3x as quick.

In fact - if M+ is initially ONLY available with Resort - it could break all sales records ever seen. 50m Wiis out there (when Resort launches) - and as many as 30m of them may buy this game. And 10m might want 2-3 M+ units...

We could be looking at the first game *ever* to sell 20m+ units in 12 months...

Yeah, that wouldn't work. Nintendo isn't so greedy that they'd force customers who want to play multiplayer (pretty much the whole point of the game) to buy multiple copies of the game.

Still, due to the Wii Play (bundled) factor, I think the game can break records. People say it may not be as widely appealing as Wii Fit, but there are a few things to keep in mind here:

  • It is bundled with M+, and the game is essentially representing the new peripheral.
  • Wii Fit would have sold even more than it has now, considering its sales are limited by supply.
  • The Wii userbase will be at least 50mil when WSR hits. By the end of the year, it should be at least 70m. With these numbers, it can't be that hard to pull off 10m before the end of 09...