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It will sell at insane levels. It probably will be the new WiiPlay - except WiiPlay will keep selling as well. They should bundle BOTH games together (with both controllers!).

Ironically - I wonder if limited manufacturing for M+ will limit the supplies of Resort? WiiFit is limited to around 200k/week (and has sold its full 10m this year) - Resort should be able to manufacture at *least* 2-3x as quick.

In fact - if M+ is initially ONLY available with Resort - it could break all sales records ever seen. 50m Wiis out there (when Resort launches) - and as many as 30m of them may buy this game. And 10m might want 2-3 M+ units...

We could be looking at the first game *ever* to sell 20m+ units in 12 months...

Gesta Non Verba

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