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bigjon said:
Doesn't konami own Hudson?

Sooooo yay Deca Sporta 2!!!

Also my favorite IGN rumor was Teh MEGATON!!!! In what was it 02? i think that is when toon link got dropped on us... lol. Best meltdown EVAR!! Even better than the Wiimusic one. You see this year we were pissed becuase there was no zelda... then we were pissed because well... Let just say we were expecting something different... lol... I was an Ign insider back then too...

I was on IGN's forums when the trailer dropped. I like a good meltdown or two but even the meltdowns over Wind Waker pissed me off. The initial meldowns lasted for hours. There weren't enough mods to keep everyone under control. You'd refresh the page and the entire first page of the forum was covered in entirely new threads whining about the art style.

Nothing else compares. Not FF13 going multiplat, not DQ9 on DS, not Twilight Princess 8.8...nothing. The only thing I think can reach that level of melting down is Kingdom Hearts III for the Wii. When that announcement happens, get ready for these forums (and many others) to transform into a cesspool.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"