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It has to deal with risk. I mean it took them awhile but they finally realize it. I don't know if its because PS3/360 software sales are going down or they are finding it harder to get profits on them or they are realizing they can use the Wii as more than something to fund their other projects. I mean if you take a look at Wii games that are selling well, they span across a hell of a lot of developers. And the kinds of titles vary more than any other console.

So it just took them a while to realize it. Possibly because the lifecycles of Wii games take awhile but it's finally there. And we are already seeing the influx of all kinds of games, especially the core ones. However, I think the Japanese one comes from devs finally choosing the lesser of 3 evils which will turn to be the best.

But for American and European devs it's a realization of opportunity rather than a savior. Motionplus probably has a lot to do with it because despite them not being able to have the graphical opportunities the motionplus allows creativity in so many other ways.

So I think that's pretty much the reason. I've known for awhile that it will happen, I just didn't know when.